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How to Listen to God (28 Book Package-Case Discount) Overcoming Addiction Through Practice of 2-Way Prayer
In this book, the author describes his four year spiritual odyssey traveling with James Houck from 1996-2000. James was a recovered alcoholic who found lasting sobriety and a new way of living on December 12, 1934 (one day after Bill W. and six months before Dr. Bob). He was the last living link to the spiritual roots of the Twelve Step Programs.
In addition, the middle seven chapters describes how Bill W., Dr. Bob, and the Twelve-Step pioneers took the Steps before the "Big Book" was written.
The How to Listen to God program (the middle seven chapters) is ideal for 12-Step groups and "anyone or everyone interested in a spiritual way of life." It is a plan-of-action that provides step-by-step guidelines on how to develop, enrich and enhance two-way prayer. .
Product Code: HTLTG-28BK-PRI