The History of Alcoholics Anonymous - 3 DVD Set
Ideal for Twelve-Step Groups, Treatment Centers, Correctional Facilities, Aftercare Programs, as well as anyone interested in the history of "The Greatest Spiritual Movement of the Twentieth Century."
DVD I - The Miraculous Journey contains: AA's Ancestors, AA's Four Founding Moments, How the Big Book was Written, and Early Publicity.
DVD II - AA in the 1940's - Why it Worked contains: AA's Meeting Formats, The Beginners' Meetings, Sponsorship, 4th Step Inventory, 11th Step Prayer and Meditation, and 12th Step Working with Others.
DVD III - AA Pioneer Stories and Unsung Heroes contains: Joe-Look Magazine 1945; Unsung Heroes Anne Smith and Sister Ignatia; Pioneer Stories of Rollie Hemsley, Fitz M, and Jimmy B; The Springfield Seven; Judge John T; and more about the co-founders Bill W (The Visionary) and Dr. Bob S. (Keep it Simple).
Price, including S/H: Price listed is for
International Priority Mail to Canada Only! The History of Alcoholics Anonymous - 3 DVD Set = $94.00 ($65.00 + $29.00 S/H)
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