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The James H. Q + A
The James H. Q + A
Our Price: $38.00

Product Code: JH-QA-DVD-DVD

“One of the most important historical documentaries about the “original” A.A. program ever recorded.”

During the 80 minute DVD, James H. (99 years old and 70 years sober) answers questions about himself and about early A.A. Recorded on April 12 and 13, 2005 in Towson, MD, James (recovered alcoholic) speaks about meeting the Oxford Group and A.A. Co-founder–Bill W., how he took the Steps, how he and other pioneers practiced the "original" A.A. program, and much, much more.

Price listed is for Priority Mail* within the United States only!

Price, including S/H:

1 DVD = $38.00 ($29.95 + $8.05 S/H)

*DVDs will not be shipped Media Mail